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The Revoz joint-stock company is the only Slovenian company engaged in the production and sales of cars. At its factory in Novo Mesto it produces the Renault model Clio and also serves as a technical and logistic base for sales of Renault's line of cars and light commercial vehicles in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Cars manufactured in the Novo Mesto plant are exported by Revoz to France, Italy, Austria, Central Europe and Scandinavia.

With regard to its operations, Revoz is fully integrated into the industrial and sales systems of the Renault Group. Within this framework Revoz co-operates on equal terms in all Renault projects which concern the activities of the Novo Mesto company and its strategic role in our part of Europe.

The principal ground for Renault's investments has been to ensure the presence of the Renault trademark in Slovenia, in order to facilitate a commercial breakthrough in the markets of the former Yugoslavia. To this motive was later added the economic advantages of production, the major part of which (from 90 to 95%) is sold in Western European markets.

In 1987, Renault expressed a readiness to transfer the production of the Renault 5 to IMV. The Novo Mesto company decided to enter into a joint venture, and a joint investment contract was signed by IMV and Renault in June of 1988. In January of 1989 Revoz was established out of IMV's car division. Renault made a total direct investment of 108 million French francs in original capital, and in 1991 the company increased its capital share to 54% with a further 182 million francs. In 1995 Renault contributed an additional 17 million francs to the company's share capital. The entire capital investment value of Renault in Revoz d.d. now totals slightly under 310 million francs.
