Slovenia House
Slovenian Gostilna
Slovenia at the Olympic Games
Free Cake
The Landscape of Slovenia
The Republic of Slovenia
The Economy of Slovenia
Cultural Life in Slovenia
The Beauties of Slovenia
Traditions and Special Features of Slovenia

The Republic of Slovenia lies at the heart of Europe where the Alps and the Mediterranean meet the Pannonian plains and the mysterious karst. To the north is Austria, to the east Hungary, to the south Croatia, and to the west Italy. According to the last census, a little under two million people live here on just over twenty thousand square kilometers.

Slovenia became an independent country in 1991. It has since established an international position and reputation as a democratic, stable, and successful Central European country that is cooperating in numerous international organizations. It is a member of the United Nations, CEFTA (Central European Free Trade Agreement), and the Partnership for Peace, a founding member of the World Trade Organization, and an associate member of the European Union. It is working toward full membership in the European Union and in NATO to guarantee the safety and well being of the country and its citizens. It is endeavouring to preserve its territorial integrity and the Slovene national identity while at the same time preserving its openness to the world.

The Republic of Slovenia is a parliamentary democracy. The highest legislative body is the National Assembly, which has ninety members elected for four-year terms. Among the members of the National Assembly, there are always two members elected from Slovenia's Italian and Hungarian minority communities. The consultative body for the National Assembly is the National Council with forty members who represent social, economic, professional, and local interests. The highest executive body and the supreme body of state administration is the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, the highest representative of the country is the President of the Republic of Slovenia, who is elected for a five-year term by direct, universal, and secret ballot.

National Insignia

When Slovenia wins at the Olympics, the white-blue-red Slovene flag with the coat-of-arms of Slovenia will wave and the winners will sing Slovenia's national anthem. The tri-colour Slovene flag first appeared during Europe's Spring of Nations in 1848 when the first public demands for a relatively independent Slovenia were put forward. Slovenia's coat-of-arms has the form of a shield In the center against a blue background is an image of Mount Triglav, below it two wavy blue lines symbolize Slovenia's sea and rivers, and above it is an inverted triangle of three six-pointed gold stars, the symbol of the Counts of Celje, the last great medieval dynasty to have its seat on Slovene territory. The anthem of the Republic of Slovenia is based on part of a poem written by the Slovene poet France Preseren, who was born more than two hundred years ago. "Zdravljica," a toast to all people of good will, reflects Slovenia's tolerant political position and speaks of the equality and peaceful coexistence of large and small nations in the world.

Slovene Parliament

The main building of the University